The American Bulldog puppy was kept on a leash and was not allowed to eat

When the staff of the Friend shelter first saw Sam the American Bulldog, they simply could not believe their eyes. The seven-month-old dog barely kept on its paws, its weight was extremely low, it was impossible to look at it without tears. How did it happen that a teenage puppy was brought to such a state? Sam was kept on a leash by the “owners”, who for some reason decided not to feed their pet. Then he was released, and workers of the industrial zone found an incredibly thin dog. Employees of the “Friend” had to urgently look for a place for a doggie in crowded cages.


Poor Sam, who seems to be indifferent, was examined by a veterinarian. Needless to say, the bulldog had a lot of problems? The long recovery and treatment process began, which required a lot of money and care from the shelter staff.

This is how Sam began to look after several hard weeks, during which he got on his feet, started eating again, trusting people. Over 7 months of his life, he experienced many difficulties and troubles, but now a new, bright chapter was opening before him.


Sam loved communicating with people, affection, just any attention to his person. Of course, some problems remained in his upbringing, but everything was overcome if desired.

Surprisingly, good hands were soon found on such a problematic doggie. Responsible people decided to take care of Sam and make him their pet.


In winter, Sam came to visit the shelter, and the staff literally did not recognize his former ward! Well-fed, groomed, well-mannered, and contented with life – such should be domestic dogs.

The handsome Sam managed to endure grief in his life, but he was lucky to meet on his way not only evil but also good people. Now he lives happily with his masters, and many more joyful and bright days await him. Woof.

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