Spouses from Lithuania live in Thailand and take care of 15 stray dogs

A married couple from Lithuania moved to an island in Thailand after the death of their beloved dog. Mantas and Rasa decided that only care for the other four-legged ones would help them survive the grief. Now 15 dogs live in their house, which they picked up from the street – and this is far from all that tenants and Rasa moved to the Thai island of Koh Kood from Lithuania six years ago. Trying to somehow cope with the loss of a pet – a 10-year-old dog named Aibo – they decided to help stray dogs. There were a lot of such people on the island, many of them were sick and wounded, and there were no veterinarians in the district. First, the guy and the girl took one stray dog ​​- Zuiko.
hey did for the island’s stray dogs.


Then, their dog family began to grow – then they went to their native Lithuania and took with them another dog, Rudis. Now the children live 15 stray dogs: β€œAt the moment we have 15 stray dogs: two blind, four with disabilities. Each of them has its own story – someone was saved from death, someone is sick or paralyzed, “says Mantas.

Since many dogs are ill, and there are no veterinarians on the island, the couple treats many dogs on their own. Caring for such a big dog family is certainly not always easy. You have to spend a lot of money on food and medicine. The guys say that they had to change several houses because landlords refused to accept so many animals.


However, the couple is not going to stop there. To help as many animals as possible, the couple set up a Facebook group Sabai Dog Koh Kood. There they look for stray dogs, help them, try to find owners, and ask for financial support from users.

Mantas and Race are people with a big heart. They not only try to help as many dogs as possible but also try to take care of all the dogs on the island. Back in 2015, they turned to all possible veterinary clinics and organizations, asking for help to control the dog population on the island.


In addition, they organized the first project to sterilize local dogs together with Hon Kaen University. Later, they continued the project with other organizations, and currently have sterilized/castrated more than 1000 dogs on the island.

Thanks to these kind people with a big heart for saving small lives.







Translated specifically for PetPop.

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