While on the net everyone is touched by cats and dogs, in nature there are many similarly cute and funny inhabitants. For example, squirrels! These pussies also fall into funny situations that will cheer anyone up. Look at these charms!
#1 Landing squirrels look like superheroes
#2 Today I saw a pregnant squirrel for the first time
#3 Photographed this miracle in the forest of Kerala, India
#4 This old lady uses a mini copy of herself to feed the squirrel in the park.
#5 I’ve never seen a squirrel cub before
#6 Dissatisfied squirrel
#7 Made a bar for squirrels in their yard
#8 My new friend is surprised that I decided to take a selfie with him.
#9 Sleeping albino squirrel
#10 Squirrels made a nest in the corner of the window
#11 Dad sent a photo of the squirrels that our dog found in the yard
#12 The squirrel piled stocks of nuts in a column from the sign all winter
#13 This baby was saved from the destroyed nest and left
#14 It seems this squirrel has fallen in love with my dad.
#15 Mini-table for squirrel gatherings
#16 I noticed a squirrel with an unusual color
#17 This is Gary. I saved him and now look after him. This is the first time I brought him to the grass. He immediately fell asleep sweetly under the sun.
#18 Filled a tiny cup with nuts to feed wild squirrels
#19 We saved and went out a lonely squirrel. Here is his photo after he got better
#20 It seems the squirrel we are feeding has relaxed a bit.
#21 It happened after Hurricane Irma. This kid ran up to me, lay on his shoulder, and fell asleep. Since then we are friends