Fun, Positive Single Panel Comics by Jim Shoenbill That Will Hopefully Brighten Your Day (20pics)

Let us introduce you to Jim Shoenbill, an illustrator on a charge to buck up people’s days with positive humor. He creates clever single-panel comics that depict strange and absurd situations in slightly different everyday life. In this macrocosm created by Jim, a deer can be a funnyman, Jesus is no longer a phenomenon worker but an optician, drinks can talk, and more. As the artist describes himself, he simply channels his distractions and strange studies into funny cartoons” to make the world a better place.”

Jim’s illustration and jotting have appeared in magazines similar to The Oldie, Alta, women’s World, American Legion Magazine, and more.

Credit: Jim Shoenbill






We’re curious to know where the artist draws alleviation from. Jim participated that he comes up with ideas of all kinds veritably fluently; In fact, he has further ideas for cartoons, jotting, jokes, products, and narratives than he has time to attack!” Someone formerly told me that I sounded to have a resemblant world spinning around in my head all the time, and I suppose that is principally true. I consider myself a creative person and pen first, and an artist and cartoonist second. My website contains some of the t-shirts and other products I have designed, and I am always adding further.


We asked Jim what fascinates him most about comics. The artist responded that it’s the eventuality that cartoons have to take people to a better space in their lives, even if it’s for a moment.” That is why I do what I do.”

The biggest challenge of the creative process for the artist is” taking a strange idea and reducing it to the most effective joke for a cartoon. It’s a lot like a stage-up comedy or writing a children’s book in which you have veritably many words to understand.” your point of view.”
























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